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How do we make decisions
under uncertainty?



Most decisions—from personal investment to corporate mergers, from whether to have

an operation to whether to settle a court case—must be made without knowing in advance how they will turn out. As the principal investigator at the Fox Uncertainty Lab, along with my research group, I examine how people make judgments and decisions under conditions of risk and uncertainty. We explore these issues at the individual, market, and organizational levels. We rely on a combination of empirical methods, including surveys, laboratory and field experiments, analysis of market and archival data, physiological measurement and brain imaging techniques. 



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Fox Uncertainty Lab | News

Graduate Student Weishan Zhang Joins the
Uncertainty Lab!

"As an incoming graduate student, I look forward to exploring three broad streams of inquiry: (1) the psychological processes underlying individuals’ social and moral judgments, (2) ways to improve decision-making and performances of individuals and groups, and (3) emotion’s role in social cognition and decision-making."

- Weishan Zhang

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